2014年2月24日 星期一

澳洲天然有機品牌 Absolutely Gorgeous 玫瑰果油 (Rose Hip Oil)

很多人誤會了玫瑰果與玫瑰的果實相同, 其實玫瑰果油是將玫瑰果種子以冷壓法(Cold Pressed)提取而成的。顏色並不像玫瑰的粉紅或紅色, 而是金黃色. 並沒有玫瑰花香味!

雖然色香味都沒有, 但對皮膚功效多多!

Absolutely Gorgeous 玫瑰果油的用法
其實好多人都怕油類產品用後會油笠笠(亦包括小編),小編未用過油份產品前都好怕架,不過用過 Absolutely Gorgeous 玫瑰果油後,就一試愛上!

講比大家知,其實油份產品冬天及夏天都好啱用。冬天只要用完 toner 後,用2-3滴係手掌度搓揉,輕輕按上臉,有時間的話可加埋按壓同提拉手法。而夏天就可以加1-2滴係平時用開既 cream 或 lotion 再輕輕按上臉。油份產用少少就可以達到效果,15ml 真係有排用~
*小編喜歡早上塗上患處 (有斑, 疤或特別乾燥的地方) ; 晚上薄薄你塗在面多, 可防止晚上水份流失.
去妊娠紋, 增加皮膚彈性, 可減淡荳荳印及色斑。
Absolutely Gorgeous 為 ACO 有機認證天然產品,絕不含Parabens、硫酸、石化物料、乙二醇、色素等有害化學物料,可以安心使用。


Absolutely Gorgeous 香港獨家代理: Parfait Development Limited (T/A Skin Nature)
e-mail: skinnaturehk@gmail.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/skinnaturehk
official website: http://skinnaturehk.wix.com/skinnature
Phone: 6689 0301

 Absolutely Gorgeous Rose Hip Oil
This deeply hydrating and healing organic oil contains the essential nutrients needed to help renew and revitalise dull, tired, stressed or damaged skin. May reduce the visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and pigmentation and will restore the skin's natural healthy glow.

Rose Hip Oil contains 80% essential fatty acids which aid the repair and regeneration of damaged skin tissue and the powerful antioxidants beta carotene and lycopene to protect the skin against the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin.

For normal, dry, mature, sun-damaged, scarred and sensitive skin.

Directions: Massage 3-4 drops of rose hip oil to clean skin before bedtime or when required.

Size: 15ml

Parfait Development Limited

